Zhou Yuhang, a six-year-old boy who lives in Wenzhou city in Zhejiang Province, has no need to contend with the crowds flocking to public swimming pools after his father converted the back of his van into a mobile paddling pool, the Daily Mail reported. 浙江温州6岁男孩周宇航的父亲把面包车改装成了一个移动的嬉水池,小宇航从此再也不用去挤公共泳池了。
The occupants of the quarter tried to report the truth to the government through the mayor's public telephone and mail box, but it's just like a stone dropped into the sea, no response at all. 小区的业主通过市长公开电话和市长空开信箱发送信息,想把事实向政府部门陈述,然而,有如石沉大海,根本就没有回音。
Written authentic materials can range from magazine articles to public notices to junk mail. 正宗的书面资料可以是从杂志文章到公告再到垃圾邮件的各种资料。
The shrink of labour within the british public mailing service, Royal Mail, was represented and contrasted with the Canary Wharf style of building in the design. 英国公共邮递系统,“皇家邮局”的劳工缩减在设计中得以体现,并与伦敦金融区金丝雀港湾风格的建筑作出了对比。
Download the Donation Form, fill it up, together with the crossed cheque, make payable to "Public Free Clinic Society" and mail it to our Society. 下载捐款表格,填妥后联同划线支票,写付“大众医院”寄来本院。
The public folder is already mail enabled. 公用文件夹已启用邮件功能。
Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers, baggage, mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit. 第九十一条公共航空运输企业,是指以营利为目的,使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李、邮件或者货物的企业法人。
Secure Application of Elliptic Curve Public Cryptosystem in the E-mail System 椭圆曲线在E-mail系统中的安全应用
This paper proposed an efficient scheme for resolving the following scenario: some users encrypt messages with Alice's public key, and send these encrypted data to the untrusted data storage server such as mail server, file server and others. 本文对这样一种情况提出了解决方案:多个用户将加密数据(使用Alice的公钥)发送到不完全可信的数据存储服务器上(例如邮件服务器和文件服务器等)。
In this article we mostly introduce the network structure, scale, service functions and user access method for China Public Fax Store& Forward Service Network ( CHINAFAX), Electronic Data Interchange Service Network ( CHINAEDI) and Electronic Mail Service Network ( CHINAMAIL). 本文主要介绍中国公用传真存储转发业务网(CHINAFAX)、电子数据互换业务网(CHINAEDI)和电子信箱业务网(CHINAMAIL)的网络结构、规模、业务功能及用户接入方式。